Monday, February 6, 2012

Plans set in Motion

The last few weeks have been quite a roller coaster. We have seen the tender mercies of the Lord in our lives. We have seen his hand in everything that has happened. Things are "falling into place". I was contacted by Dr Yamada and we were given renewed hope, he told us he had dealt with many cases like mine, people who have had surgeries and previous radiation to the tumor site etc... He said we still have options. My chances in my eyes have skyrocketed! We have arranged to go to New York to visit with the Team at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

Through Friends and Family I found that news travels like wild fire! We have had so many people contact us asking how they could help. It is so comforting to know that when times get tough people reach out to help. Right off the bat Frequent flier miles were donated so I could get back east to New York. So Many people came out and offered their earned miles so we could have that worry taken off of our shoulders. There have even been monetary donations made by many. My co-workers have been fantastic! I have such a great support group at work. They genuinely care and are some of the most selfless people I know.

There have been people at work who have gone to great lengths to see if they could donate their hard earned Paid time off to me so I could have the time to go get treated, and not have to worry about the missed hours and wages. Something like this didn't exist in our employee handbook, but with such a desire to help, a company policy was created within a very short amount of time that would allow one's earned PTO to be donated to an employee going through a medical hardship like this. I have never known people with such great heart! I am a part of a workplace "FAMILY" who looks after their own. I am so grateful to them, I don't quite know how to express it.

I am scheduled for an initial consultation and a series of tests to happen in New York During the week of the 13th of Feb. I am so blessed to have Family that lives in Manhattan who have offered their home to me for as long as it takes. Like I said earlier, everything is just falling into place. I am benefiting from the hard work and planning of many to be able to help me get to where I need to be to be treated by some of the worlds best doctors.

After the initial visit I will come home for a week or two while the Doctors set a game plan. I will be in touch with them and I will find out when the treatments will start. The plan is for me to be out there for about a month to be treated, this could change depending upon the game plan that is decided upon.

Through all of the goodness that we have seen over the last little while I have come to know that, People truly have a desire to help each other. When we work together great things happen.
Thanks to all for the thoughts, prayers, donations of every kind, and genuine Love.


  1. Chad you will be in my prayers and thoughts. What wonderful people you have in your life that are so willing to help. I send the best to you and your family.

  2. we love you! your spirit and example is one we wish to keep around and learn from. may god bless you in this time of need through our faith and efforts. let us know what you need.

  3. Hey Chad. We are pulling for you. Best wishes and I hope NY gives you the news you want to hear!

  4. I love you Bro! You and Amy are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and know how many people love and look up to you both. And always remember to "be still, and know that He is God." I hope you take the Big Apple by storm! Love your Sis- Gen
